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Lifetime Technical Support
Appion offers lifetime technical support. Regardless of your warranty status, you can always contact us for assistance. You can contact our Englewood, CO factory directly by phone, email, or use our Technical Support Request system to open a troubleshooting ticket right now.
Factory Authorized Repair Centers
Repairs are only covered under warranty when performed by Appion or a Factory Authorized Repair Center. Please do not ship a machine for repair without first contacting Appion or your local authorized repair center.
The following repair centers are authorized by Appion to perform repairs on Appion tools, both in and out of warranty.
appiontools.com/repairs (303) 937-1580 Englewood, CO
31-23-5530077 Haarlem, Netherlands
Obtaining Warranty Service
All warranty services must receive Appion Factory Authorization and an RGA number prior to any action. Contact your local Appion authorized distributor to obtain the RGA number and shipping instructions. To help us provide the best service, be sure to have the following information available:
Serial number of the equipment
Purchase date of the equipment
A detailed description of the problem
Warranty Service Information (PDF)
Distributor Locator
Are you a distributor that carries Appion products but is not on our distributor locator? Contact Us for details on how to be added to our distributor locator.
Operating Manuals
Technical Bulletins
Please see the below Technical Bulletins for important information about Refrigerant Recovery and System Evacuation.
Always wear gloves and eye protection and follow proper safety practices when handling refrigerant. See these Tech Bulletins for more information.