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Temperature Clamp
Available Exclusively Through Your Local Distributor
Probe Size:
4.17 x .98 x 1.81 in. (106 x 25 x 46 mm)
Cable Size:
6ft (1.82 m)
Water Resistance:
Probe Operating Temperature:
-4°F to 131°F (-20 °C to 55 °C)
Storage Temperature:
-4 °F to 140 °F (-20 °C to 60 °C)
Sensor Saturation Time:
8 Seconds *Varying conditions may delay saturation time
Sensor Operation Range:
-40 °F to 221 °F (-40 °C to 105 °C)
PTC900 Compatible Temperature Clamp: Precision Monitoring Made Easy
Introducing the PTC900 compatible Temperature Clamp – The Temperature Clamp features minimal thermal mass and a thermally isolated contact sensor that aids in improved response times and highly accurate temperature readings. Capable of fitting p ipes ranging in diameter from ⅛ inch to 1 ⅝ inches, i t also has a detachable temperature sensor that makes it highly versatile and compatible with pipes of any size.
Your essential tool for accurate measurements and remote monitoring in AC/R system service. With its advanced features and intuitive controls, the PTC900 simplifies complex HVAC/R diagnostics and ensures you get the job done efficiently and effectively.
Temperature Clamp Specifications
Weight: 2.32 oz. (66 g)
Temperature Probe Dimensions:
Clamp Size: 4.17 x .98 x 1.81 in. (106 x 25 x 46 mm)
Probe Size: .86 x .78 x .39 in. (22 x 20 x 10 mm)
Pipe Size Compatibility: 1/8 in. to 1 ⅝ in. (3.175 to 41.275 mm)
Cable Length: 6 ft. (1.82 m)
Water Resistance: IP67 *clamp only
Probe Operating Temperature: -4 °F to 131 °F (-20 °C to 55 °C)
Storage Temperature: -4 °F to 140 °F (-20 °C to 60 °C)
Sensor Saturation Time: 8 Seconds *varying conditions may delay saturation time
Sensor Operating Range: -40 °F to 221 °F (-40 °C to 105 °C)
Temperature Accuracy:
±.45 °F at 77 °F / ±.25 °C at 25 °C
±1.8 °F (-40 °F to 221 °F) / ±1 °C (-40 °C to 105 °C)
Useful Information
Additional Product Materials
Always wear gloves and eye protection and follow proper safety practices when handling refrigerant. See these Tech Bulletins for more information.
For California Consumers:
Important Notice: Buying from unauthorized online sellers could void your products warranty. This policy shields customers from acquiring pre-owned, damaged, or stolen items. Please be aware that Ebay and Amazon are NOT approved distributors.
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