
How to Install Appion Central on iOS

Step 1: Open the Apple App Store

On your device, tap on the App Store icon.

screenshot of step 1 instructions

Step 2: Search for the Appion Central App

Once you are in the App Store, open the search window. Type Appion Central in the search bar at the top of your screen and select Appion Central in the search results.

screenshot of step 2.1 instructions. screenshot of step 2.2 instructions.

Step 3: Install the Appion Central App to your Device

Tap the GET option.

screenshot of step 3 instructions

Step 4: Open the Appion Central App

Tap the OPEN option.

screenshot of step 4 instructions

Step 5: Provide Permission for Appion Central to Access Bluetooth

Tap the OK option for the Location Access permission window.
Please Note: This is required in order to pair your Appion Bluetooth device with the Central App.

screenshot of step 5 instructions

Step 6: Access The Appion Central Homepage

Tap the back arrow in the upper left corner of the Version History page. You can turn off the auto show Version History by toggling the option in the lower right-hand corner.

screenshot of step 6 instructions

Step 7: Appion Central Homescreen

screenshot of the appion central app homescreen

Next: Pairing and Connecting Appion Digital Devices >>